- Security- Insecurity among Adolescents In Relation to Their Career Preference
- Fundamental Forces as Different Manifestations of a Single Particle – A Viewpoint Based on Available Facts & Research
- Empirical Study Measuring Quality of Work Life of Veterinary Doctors in Punjab
- Educational Leadership Model In Time of Global Crisis Caused By the Corona Pandemic – Collaborative Model of Leadership
- An Analysis of Consumption Expenditure of Marginal and Small Farmers in Rural Haryana
- महाभारतम ्पाणिनीयव्याकरिमच् नारायिंनमस्कृ त्य नरं चैव नरोत्तमम ्| देवीं सरस्वतींव्यासं ततो जयमुदीरयेत्॥ वाक्यकारंवररुचचंभाष्यकारंपतञ्जचऱम ्|पाणिचनंसूत्रकारंच प्रितोऽणस्म मुचनत्रयम ्॥
- Study Habits and Attitude in Relation to Parental Involvement of National Institute of Open School (NIOS) Students