"Vitally important for a young man or woman is, first, to realize the value of education and then to cultivate earnestly, aggresively, ceaselessly, the habit of self -education". B.C. Forbes
In these tumultous times, when,the social,moral and ethical order is eroded to a large extent, it is the duty of the educational institutions to highlight, stress and enunciate the inculcation of holistic values among the pupils.
The present environment of selfish motives, mean, cut-throat tendencies and mutual hatred can best be addressed to by securing and nurturing kindness, uprightness, respect for values and cosmopoliton outlook towards others. All inclusiveness has been our hallmark and the dictums 'Sarve bhavantu Sukhina' & 'Sarbat da Bhala' are real gems that put forth our whole heartedness for the well being of all creatures.
As custodians of a rich heritage, we should lead the progeny towards being a literate, dedicated, virtuous and patriotic denizens of the nation. Academics and attainment of skills must go hand in hand. The aim of this life should be the service of mankind from our respective fields of specialization.
Thus 'Carpe Diem' (seize the day) and make the most of the opportunity of gaining Higher Education.
My wishes for your bright future.
Officiating Principal
Mr. Parshant Sethi